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Our Volunteers PDF Print E-mail

Always Looking for Volunteers

We are always looking for certified teachers to come work with us! Bachelor of Education or ESL training are both accepted.

If you are looking to live in another country and have an experience abroad, this is a great opportunity.  In exchange for working at Friends of Nature Copey Learning Center, you will live closely with and get to know a new culture, furthering your Spanish language skills.

Volunteer Qualities

We are looking for volunteers with the following qualities:

  • Native English speaker with working knowledge of Spanish
  • Bachelor of Education or ESL certification, (if ESL certified, teaching experience is required)
  • Appreciation and stewardship of the environment
  • Willingness to integrate into the community and live with a host family
  • Experience living and working independently

A Typical Day

Volunteers typically come and work for a period of 6-12 months.  Although shorter time periods are negotiable, there is a mininum of 3 months.

A typical day for a volunteer, Monday-Thursday:

  • 7-9 am: wake up and breakfast
  • 9 am-1 pm: children’s classes
  • 1 pm: lunch with host families
  • 2 pm-6: free time/class planning time
  • 6-8 pm: adult class
  • 8:30 pm: dinner

Volunteers live with local host families who provide 3 meals per day. The community covers the cost of living for the volunteer, through host family residence. As such, there is no cost to the volunteer for living expenses on a day-to-day basis.  The volunteer would be responsible for any personal items or other food extras they might want.

For any services not available in the town of Copey, the volunteer can travel to the nearby town of Santa Maria. Transportation to Santa Maria is available through daily bus service.

The volunteer is responsible for travel to and from Costa Rica.

Upon arrival at the San José Juan Santamaría airport, the volunteer will be picked up by a school board member and taken to the community.




Host Families

Our host family homes are selected by the Board members of our school

Volunteers will have their own room, private and lockable.

Host families will provide three meals per day. Should volunteers have any food requirements they should notify us.

Laundry is the responsibility of the volunteer, but facilities are available in the host family home

The host family will be located in the town of Copey, and the volunteer will have a few minutes’ walking distance to school

The host family will also be in support of the school and its mission

Meet our host families!



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